Embellished Bustier – Pattern

The bustier (and panties and garterbelt) pattern I ordered has arrived! I wasn’t expecting it until after I got back from Paris! This is the first real pattern I’ve bought (not counting the online burdastyle ones because those instructions are so hard to understand! And I end up changing them a lot anyway…). I now need to find fabric with 50% stretch (it’s great that the have a diagram on the envelope that says “4 inch strip of fabric must stretch to here->”, because the fabric stores in switzerland don’t write the amount of stretch on everything…).

Only problem now is that I’m kind of broke… and I just looked through my stash and I don’t have anything with a 50% stretch. Maybe I’ll go buy a really cheap 50% stretch fabric so I can sew a “muslin” to check the fit.

Still need to decide on a color scheme for the jewels on the bustier, and for the bustier itself… there might be another post today on that.