Fur Shrug

Good news for me, my package isn’t lost! I haven’t felt so relieved in a long time, it was a “feel sick from the moment you wake up and remember what happened” day, but my aunt went to the post office and they informed her the package got to New Jersey on tuesday morning (why it would take a package 16 days to get from Westchester county NY to New Jersey, I don’t know)! Now I can happily dream about my fabric again, because the dreams can come true!

Ok, enough of all this warm fuzzy-ness and back to important things: sewing.

Here in Switzerland it’s starting to get cold in the evenings, and I just don’t have the perfect little (dressy) jacket to take along when I go out. So I’m finally making the fake-fur shrug (with leftover fabric from this) I’ve been wanting to make since feb 17th of this year (I dated my sketch haha, how cute is that…):


I’ll make the ribbon bigger when I sew it, probably a velvety one. If I have enough fabric I’ll line it with the fur, if I don’t I might use a red velvet or something.

Actually, now that I think about it I almost like the idea of contrasting red velvet better. Hm. then I might have enough of the fur fabric lef over to make a stole.

Off to draft the pattern and make a muslin!

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