Sorting through clothes

I always find it hard to sort through my clothes and get rid of things. Even though I don’t wear most of the stuff I think “maybe in a few years I’ll really like it!” and I get weirdly emotionally attached to my clothes, just because they remind me of a certain time in my life or a certain event.

Well, I finally sorted through my clothes:

I’ve been a little frustrated with my wardrobe and want to build one that is relatively small but well connected (I want to have lots of outfit choices with as little as possible!), and filled with quality garments not cheap crap. Don’t get me wrong, I will most definitely be buying more cheap crap in the future, but I want those things to be fun seasonal additions to my wardrobe, not the core of it.

I sorted all of the clothes into different categories: keep (quality vintage/retro – cheap retro – dark/high fashion influenced style), give away/sell, sports stuff and pyjamas  and things that need to be altered.

I also found a way to keep things I like and value but don’t really wear: I made myself a costume box! :) that way I can use those clothes for photoshoots/special parties etc.

What I learned from sorting through my stuff and making a “to alter”-pile? I really need to get around to altering this stuff!

How perfect is this color combination? It’s like my dream color scheme has been waiting for me in a sad little pile on the floor. Seriously. Below is a moodboard I made last year for what I want my wardrobe to look like:

See the parallels? Reds, pale pinks, grey&brown tartans, animal prints, bright sweaters…

I picked out the summer clothes to make a “high-priority” pile:

My plan is to alter one of these pieces on each of my days off from work. Although I’m aware some things will take longer.

The black lace bustier in the bottom left corner has already been taken in, now I only need to change the position of the straps a little (I need wide-set straps, otherwise my shoulders look really wide). From left to right: the floral shorts need to be taken in even more, the silk shorts I got from the thrift store need to be made smaller and I want to dye them a pastel mint color, the slip I got at the H&M sale needs to be taken in, the swallow print dress (that I already altered) is really short cause I made the waist higher, so I need to make an underskirt for it (with a nice cotton lace trim!), the orange miss patina dress is a little too big for me and the last garment is a long silk skirt my boyfriends mom gave to me, it fits perfectly but I want to dye it (either pastel grey-purple, a pastel nude-rose color or pastel mint).

These is the “Low-Priority” Pile, mostly winter stuff that I don’t need right away.

This faux-fur muff has almost never been used. Why? I’m afraid the weight of my arms is too much for the flimsy little chain and the ribbon attaching it to the muff. Plus the chain is silver and I wear mostly gold accessories (it’s a detail but it kinda bothers me), so I’ve decided I’m going to buy a thicker gold chain, weave some colored ribbon through it and attach it to the muff!
I’ve also cleaned my room now (there was so much fabric lying around waiting to go to the office!) and I hung my winter clothes and things I don’t wear often in a closet I have in a seperate room. I have a lot less hanging on my clothes-rack, and alot less in my drawers, and I find it so much easier to get dressed in the morning!

What’s in your “to alter” pile? Does it have a nice little color scheme you never noticed?

8 thoughts on “Sorting through clothes

  1. I have the same feelings about clothes I don’t wear: some of them I can’t give away, just in case. But I’ve been working on it, by taking part in “clothing exchanges” organized locally – you give something, you get something else.

    • I wish we had more clothing exchanges in my little town. I tried to get a stand at a local monthly fleamarket but they were all booked (for the next couple of months!) within a couple hours! I’ll probably use the internet to sell some of the nicer things after I let my friends pick through them.

  2. I think I have become addicted to having clothes-sorting-sessions. I have very little storage space so I am aware not to have many clothes items that I really don’t use. I have gotten much better at saying goodbye to stuff that I am not in love with. I always ask myself that: Are you in love with this piece? It helps me to get rid of all the maybes. I have found that having less clothes in the closet actually makes me wear more different things than just the pieces that are placed on the top of the pile.

    • Yes I agree!! Having less makes me wear what I have more! With me there’s still room for improvement… but I feel like cleaning out the closet is the first step to a smarter wardrobe, because now I can clearly analyze what pieces I’m missing and find/make the pieces to fill those gaps. I do have a hard time letting things go though :)

  3. I have the same goal this year: keep less stuff and only things that fit well, get rid of or remake anything else.
    I have a problem throwing them away because I think oh, i might make something out of this thing. But the truth is there are things I kept that never inspired me to make anything. Off with their heads!
    I am taking it step by step, season by season and I am quite happy with the results. I have almost as many nice fitting dresses as I can decently fit in my closet and more piece of mind.
    Starting to think about fall wardrobe, jackets and stuff :)

    • That’s the problem I have too i guess, so many things to alter and I never do it! But now that I see my pile of things to alter, I’m a lot more motivated to do it because I see now that they could fill gaps in my wardrobe!

  4. I adore the concept behind your blog, it’s sooo fun! Plus, you can’t beat that tile;) I’m also not a fan of sorting clothing but cleaning things out proves worthwhile in the end.


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